Figures have been released for tourism and in the West Midlands it is at an all-time high with 145.4 million people spending time in the region in 2023, even more than pre COVID.
Is the jewellery quarter doing enough to secure a share of this tourism boon? We used to have four museums and no doubt Coffin Works, the Pen Museum and A E Evans Silversmiths run by English Heritage are doing their share, but the Museum of the Jewellery Quarter remains shut. All seem to be suffering slightly from a shortage of volunteers.
According to the official website, “The Museum of the Jewellery Quarter is currently closed due to ongoing maintenance issues beyond our control. We’re working to fix these as soon as possible.”
It is such a shame for this museum having all these difficulties at this time as it’s also the closest one to the railway station. Recently I have had several people moan about the state of the railway station, especially about the stairs in particular saying that don’t look as if they’ve ever been cleaned since the station opened.