Saturday, February 15, 2025

Editorial May 2024

Anyone who reads everything in this magazine every month will have noticed a dramatic fall off in the number of new planning applications for the Jewellery Quarter area. Had to happen soon as nearly all the derelict and vacant properties have been snapped up by developers. Whilst distributing this magazine around the area, there are still some small properties and retail units that have been empty for years, which is a little surprising as many are on the main streets, whist the new commercial units around the side streets are being snapped up.

The offices we used to have just before moving in over the Natwest bank have been turned into housing, I still remember converting it from a dirty workshop, took several days to strip the flaking paint so we could paint the brick walls nicely. It even had a knotted pine panelled reception area. I wonder if the developers kept the panels. Very much doubt it as saw an advert – it’s a 2 bed – 2 bath apartment with a £350,000 price tag. Would not have even dreamed of those units ending up as living space.

Speaking of properties what is going to become of the Museum of the Jewellery Quarter? While putting the magazine out last month noticed how run down it looked, and in fact most of the signs have been removed and the letterbox bolted shut.

For those that don’t know the Museum of the Jewellery Quarter has remained closed since Covid, only running a few special events and those have also stopped. When the Museums trust took over running many of the Birmingham Museums, I bet our late editor Marie £50 they would use the first excuse to shut the Museum of the JQ, lacking the Ritz and glamour of all the others. This makes me sad on three counts as firstly as so much work was put in by the Jewellery Quarter community to open it, secondly my prediction all those years ago has come true, and thirdly, Marie is no longer with us to pay me the £50 bet!


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