Thursday, January 16, 2025

Editorial November 2024

I thought the skull cover on last month’s issue would cause a few comments and I was right, it was certainly a standout cover, and in fact thought the whole issue looked rather good.

This reminded me from when we used to have offices in the Jewellery Quarter, and a regular running joke!

Every month when the magazine came back from the printers I used to say after perusing it “Do you know what?” and the staff would groan “Oh no” I would add “I think this is the best issue we have ever done,” to which they would all groan, “Not again,” then lots of laughter followed.

You can imagine my horror when I saw that Page 3 editorial was not the last version that should have gone to the printers, and it was in fact a very rough draught version 2. How did this happen? Well it was the cat! He pinched my office chair so had to work on Computer no 2 where the software had updated but my main machine it had not (incompatible apparently).

Anyway, somehow the new editorial, although replacing the rough draft, never got back through the ‘cloud’ to my main machine and the rough draft went to the printers. No, it was not the cat typing the editorial. For those interested I have published the editorial that was supposed to go on Page 3 in this issue.

If you like candlelit events two venues are hosting them. The first is at The Coffin Works with candlelit tours and St Paul’s Church is hosting lots of candlelit music events in the evenings throughout December, featuring all kinds of music played by different String Quartets.


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