Each issue always features an Editorial, Planning Applications, Business Pages small ads, Classifieds, and Forthcoming Events as well as the latest news from the business, leisure, and heritage sectors listed below.
- Domino Signet Rings Sales Soar
- JQ BID partners with First Mile to make Birmingham Green!
- Hockley Mint Announce Change of Opening Hours
- New Building for University’s School of Jewellery
- Apprentice Jeweller to Represent UK in Russia
- Lab-grown Diamonds – AnchorCert Gem Lab Encourage Trade to Remain Vigilant
- Hockley Mint Digital Overhaul
- New Chair for BSE
- The Goldsmiths’ Company Assay Office Launches Video Guides
- JQ Favourite Restaurant Gets a Makeover!
- Government Approval for Birmingham Clean Air Zone Plans
- The House of Hollander
- Unity Works, 36-46 Vittoria Street
- WW2 – From E.P.N.S. to P.I.A.
Mechanical Data:
A5 size, 40 pages all colour