Each issue always features an Editorial, Planning Applications, Business Pages small ads, Classifieds, and Forthcoming Events as well as the latest news from the business, leisure, and heritage sectors listed below.
- Edinburgh Assay Office’s Chief Executive & Master Assumes International Chairman Role
- Gem-A Accepted into SCIE Database
- Domino Sparkles at IJL London
- St Paul’s Church in the Jewellery Quarter Birmingham
- GECKO Sales Soar at IJL London
- British Hallmarking Council
- Inhorgenta Munich Focuses on New, Innovative Concept in Hall C2
- The Latest Buzz from New Standard Works
- ‘Still’: Stories from the Jewellery Quarter
- Cemeteries News
- Jewellery Quarter Halloween Special
- Baker & Finnemore
- Crisford & Norris Ltd
- Crisford & Norris Ltd in WW2
- Normandy Veteran’s Association Memorial
Mechanical Data:
A5 size, 40 pages all colour