Each issue always features an Editorial, Planning Applications, Business Pages small ads, Classifieds, and Forthcoming Events as well as the latest news from the business, leisure, and heritage sectors listed below.
- BAO Launch Business Course for Creative Entrepreneurs
- What to do if you see someone breaking hallmarking law
- Jewelcast – ‘The big move’
- JQBID Chair Steps Down
- Anchorcert Gem Lab Gemmologist, Fanny Raponi, receives the Doug Morgan Trophy
- Charities Benefit from Sporting Endeavour
- Salon Suisse Focusing on Watchmaking
- Jewellery Quarter Suit Drive asks for local donations
- New Magazine Distribution stands
- Cemetery Restoration Photos
- Banksy Proceeds to Benefit Charity
- Mark Renn Remembered
- The ‘Clockwork Sculpture’
- Nat West Bank, 22 Frederick Street, B1 3HE
Mechanical Data:
A5 size, 36 pages all colour