Each issue always features an Editorial, Planning Applications, Business Pages small ads, Classifieds, and Forthcoming Events as well as the latest news from the business, leisure, and heritage sectors listed below.
- St Paul’s Church Closed for Now – But Work Carries on
- A Covid Star People’s Medal for Every NHS & Care Worker
- Assay Office Raise £5000 for Birmingham NHS Heroes
- BAJ Launches Online Masterclasses Series
- MADE in the Midlands Recruitment
- Our Future City Plan Public Consultation Launch
- OBITUARY – Colin Meager
- Work Begins on Steelhouse Lane Police Museum
Eco-Garden for JQ Station
Cleaner Streets Boost
Birmingham Museums on Demand Launch
SNOWFLAKES and Snowdrops
BCC Clean Air Zone Webinars
Stay Vigilant Despite Vaccine Roll-out
- Argent Centre Restoration
- Demolition Along Graham Street
-  St Paul’s Graveyard – Memorial to Betts Family
Mechanical Data:
A5 size, 40 pages all colour