Each issue always features an Editorial, Planning Applications, Business Pages small ads, Classifieds, and Forthcoming Events as well as the latest news from the business, leisure, and heritage sectors listed below.
- Design Competition for Commonwealth Games Presentation
- Birmingham Assay Office to Screen for Laboratory Grown Diamonds
- Birmingham’s first Clean Air Zone report is Published
- Broadening Participation in the Goldsmiths’ Centre Initiatives
- Shine 2021
- It’s Time to Fix the Roof:
- Hydrogen Bus Arrives
- Winner Announced for the Birmingham Assay Office ‘Hope’ Competition
- Mural In the Station
- Dear Readers
- Discover The Hidden Gems of Birmingham’s Jewellery Quarter with New App
- Planning
- The Bishton Fletcher Building
- John Skirrow Wright
Mechanical Data:
A5 size, 40 pages mostly all colour