Wednesday, February 12, 2025

28th Intergem Report

The 28th Intergem that was held from October 5th till 8th 2012 could prove itself with a positive outcome, despite lower expectations.

At total, there were 3,200 visitors from over 50 countries who found their way to the trade fair Idar-Oberstein, in order to take a closer look at the gemstone products and works from the 165 exhibitors, as well as to stock up for their demanding customers during the Christmas shopping season.

This shows that the Intergem succeeded in realizing their plans of permanently attracting customers to premium and luxury goods market, although the economic framework with its increased prices for precious metals and an escape of consumers into ideas of values generate a serious effort for the jewellers.

Nevertheless, it is exactly here were the Intergem ’s strength can be seen: in times, when the creative jewellry artists need to face restrictions as those mentioned above, the range of goods at the Intergem offers sufficient options that allow several alternatives for the purchasing of interesting stones.

“There are stone chains available in all kinds of terrific and diverse colours, so there are always sufficient alternatives for the jeweler to present himself adequately,” confirms Roman Ruppenthal (Fa. A. Ruppenthal KG). For him, at the moment, Chancellor Angela Merkel is one of the best examples to unofficially advertise variable high quality jewellery.

Affordable high qualitatively worked jewellry with precious stones attracts a large clientele, because of the jewellers who tend to round their range of goods off. Thus, it is possible to react quickly to new fashion trends, to gain younger customers and to offer the clients the opportunity to combine their clothing with trendy jewelelry, as for example elements made from ray leather, as a varied accessory.

All the exhibitors agree on the fact that the trade fair provides the ideal setting to benefit from synergetic effects and to develop business contacts. Besides, even the potential from smaller customers is recognized: especially at the Intergem most of the visitors try to get an overview, at first, before making selective purchases. This works excellently because of the trade fair’s compact structure and many guests buy even more and other products as they actually intended.

In addition, the range of goods steadily increased and, besides stones in a full range of qualities and completed pieces of jewellry, also high qualitative decorative articles and packaging capture the trade visitors’ interest who find such a comprehensive offer to be rarely found elsewhere.

Although, the Intergem ’s main interest really focuses on the gemstones, here, besides the high quality classics more and more “fashion products” get sold that follow seasonal and fashionable trends. This can be perfectly seen at the demanded colour ranges: the most favoured gemstones were those in autumn colours as red, cognac, shades of brown and berries, again and again in combination with black.

Besides, a higher level of quality concerning the visitors was reached due to improved admission controls, as the exhibitors confirm. This fact in combination with targeted advertising certain countries achieved noticeable modifications of the visitor’s profile which certainly should develop a long-term visitor increase. Another new promotion programme is the special initiative at the last day of the trade fair that addresses pupils in the region.

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