On 28th November the Annual Students Award Ceremony was held at the UCE School of Jewellery.
There were one or two additional prizes this year and these are the winners of the main prizes, being presented to the students by The Lord Mayor of Birmingham.
Winner of the NVQ award for Outstanding Achievement – Emma Jones (she won this award because of her outstanding portfolio and she works for G & A in Frederick Street). Her prize was a voucher for metal from Stephen Betts Group.
Winner of the NVQ Trainee of the Year – Karl Larsen (he works for Thomas Fattorini in Frederick Street) His prize is a 10 year registration with the Assay Office Birmingham and his own punch.
Runners up of the BJA Student of the Year award – Anna Robinson for Horology (she got a cheque from The Head of School, Norman Cherry for £50.00) and Jill Ready for Jewellery and Silversmithing (she got a cheque from Weston Beamor for £150.00).
Winner of the BJA Student of the Year award – Rachel Ayerst – she gets a £500.00 cheque from the BJA.