Tuesday, January 14, 2025

British Society of Enamellers Launch 35th Anniversary Celebrations

The British Society of Enamellers (BSOE) will launch celebrations for its 35th anniversary year with a glittering drinks reception in the Champagne Bar at this year’s International Jewellery London, at Olympia, London.

The BSOE, the leading membership organisation for British enamellers, will also take the opportunity to celebrate the skill and expertise of its members, with the unveiling of winning works, submitted in July to be included in an exclusive online exhibition from 27 September 2018.

The exhibition, http://online-exhibition.enamellers.org, is part of wider activities planned for the trade organisation’s 35th anniversary celebrations.

The BSOE is also seeking feedback on the organisation’s Vision, Mission and Values, inviting comment from BSOE members as well as anyone interested in the organisation’s future activities.

Recently-appointed Vice-Chair, and Mona Pink Owner/Creative Director, Monika Kamycka said, “This is an exciting time to be part of the BSOE. It’s a time of celebration and of change. We are looking at how we future-proof the organisation, so that’s includes how we shape the BSOE moving forwards, how we communicate and how we improve and clarify membership benefits.”

“We are just at the start of this journey and our 35th anniversary seems like a very appropriate time to celebrate our past and to plan for the future. We welcome anyone who is interested in our organisation to come and celebrate our 35 years with us at IJL.”

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