The JQNF is adopting the Farmers Bridge flight of locks, most of which run through the JQ. The next session is Sun 6 October (11am) followed by Sat 2 Nov (1pm); Sun 1 Dec (11am) – Meeting Place: the entrance to the canal from Water Street. Sessions usually last three hours.
The Canal & River Trust supply the necessary equipment (paint, brushes, gardening gloves, weeding tools, etc). Just turn up in old clothes.
Activities include maintenance, such as painting locks and metal work, managing vegetation, and removing graffiti; and canal improvements, such as installing planters on the towpath, and planting other vegetation.
To join in and email you would like to help see the latest update on ‘Adopt a Canal’ at
You don’t need to make a long-term commitment; you’re welcome to attend for just one session!