Saturday, February 15, 2025

Cleaner Air Takes Next Step

1 June 2021 marked the launch of Birmingham’s Clean Air Zone with a colourful exhibition at Library of Birmingham. Smoke was emitted from the viewing platform and roof of the iconic Library of Birmingham building, representing the average amount of NOx that will be saved every 10 seconds through the introduction of the Clean Air Zone.

The Clean Air Zone is within the A4540 Middleway (but not the Middleway itself) and will be used to encourage the drivers of the most polluting vehicles to upgrade or replace their vehicle. People are also being encouraged to think about walking, cycling, or using public transport more – especially for shorter journeys, and it will encourage this change by applying a daily fee to vehicles that do not meet the emission standards for the zone.

Birmingham City Council announced that it will introduce the zone through a ‘soft launch’ of the scheme. From 1 June 2021 through to 11:59:59pm 13 June 2021 the Council will not require drivers to pay the daily fee and they will not pursue enforcement. From the 14 June 2021 the owners of non-compliant vehicles will be required to pay the daily fee (unless a valid exemption is in place). If they do not pay the daily fee after this date the registered keeper of the vehicle will be issued with a penalty charge notice. By adopting this approach, the Council is providing with a little extra time to get ready, review the support available and to consider the alternatives to driving through the Clean Air Zone

The council have agreed on a two-week soft launch period where people won’t have to pay and encouraged everyone to use this time to check their vehicles, familiarise themselves with the charging process and check out the support that is still available through the Brum Breathes website.”
Cars, taxis and LGVs which do not meet the Clean Air Zone emission standard will be charged £8 a day and non-compliant coaches, buses and HGVs will be charged £50 per day.

The Clean Air Zone charge runs midnight to midnight. Drivers can pay six days in advance of their visit, the day of their visit and six days after the day of their visit, giving a total payment window of 13 days. Payments can be paid online using the Government’s payment system or over the phone by calling 0300 029 8888 (Monday – Friday, 8am – 4:30pm).

A range of support measures have been brought in to support those immediately impacted by the changes. This includes temporary exemption permits and financial incentives as well as the Heavy-Duty Vehicle (HDV Fund).

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