Saturday, February 15, 2025

Editorial January 2021

2020 – Mark and I truly hope that you and your loved ones managed to have an enjoyable and safe Christmas – although I expect like us it was one of the quietest ever. Have you put away the Christmas tree and other trimmings safely for next Christmas?

On the last day of the year my granddaughter managed to get married on their third attempt in Bodmin Cornwall, but no reception allowed. Looking forward to lots of photos later but we managed to follow ceremony via mobile phones, emails etc.

2021 – what will this year bring? It is certainly getting difficult to hold out hope for the future and at the same time maintain a sense of humour.

This is the first 2021 issue of the HF – it will go on-line as soon as possible and posted out to all on our mailing list, but it may be exceedingly difficult to drop some off at ‘Distribution Points’, but we will do our best (with the help of Niel Black).

January brought with it a return to Lock-down after a surge in the spread of the Coronavirus, which may or may not have been caused by the relaxation of some of the ‘Rules’ over Christmas plus ignorant people who do not intend to adhere to the basic rules – e.g., the Vehicle Cavalcade’ and crowds of people which invaded the Jewellery Quarter just before Christmas.

It is also unbelievable that a ridiculous idiot is insisting that the Virus is all a Government scam and is not happening at all!
Everywhere you turn you get scammers. liars and cheats trying to trap you into giving them your personal details – it is so hard to tell true from false. Scammers are even using virus vaccinations now as part of their scams!

Thank goodness for the ‘professional’ developers and architects who have a conscience about the wellbeing of the human race! Did you know that there is no such thing as a ‘loss of light’ rule any more? Some businesses and residents have recently discovered this. When Slum Clearance was carried out just before WW2, it was agreed that ‘Sunlight’ was an important part of living as it helped to prevent rickets. Now you are expected to just take Vitamin D instead!

Peter Taylor on Honours List
Many will remember Peter Taylor who worked in the Jewellery Quarter for some years before he was ‘head-hunted’ by London. He was married to a very pretty girl in St Paul’s Church before he left.
He is on the New Year’s Honours List and richly deserves this.
Congratulations Peter from all your friends up here in Birmingham.

‘Kitties’ Invasion
To lighten things up a little in 2021 we are introducing a family of ‘kitties’. This has come about because of a relationship which has evolved between the proposed Steelhouse Lane Police Museum and ourselves.
See item this issue.




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