Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Monoprint and Collage Workshop

sat15feb11:00 amsat4:00 pmMonoprint and Collage Workshop11:00 am - 4:00 pm RBSA Gallery, 4 Brook Street, St. Paul’s Square, Birmingham, B3 1SA Event Organized ByRBSA Gallery

Event Details

Monoprint and Collage Workshop with Jacqui Dodds ARBSA.
Create an exciting print using monoprinting, collage, and other media. Using your own design or image, you will start with torn/cut paper to make a simple collage, which will be overlayed with your own mono print design. This method, called direct trace drawing, produces a linear monotype that has a unique soft edged quality, similar to the tone and line in soft ground etching. You can then continue to work on top of this print with media of your choice (inks, watercolour, pastels etc.) to create unique prints to take home at the end of the day.
Age group and abilities to be taught

18 years and above.
Suitable for adults of all ages and abilities including beginners, people looking to refresh their skills and those with some printmaking experience.

Course aims and skills/knowledge to be taught

Create an A4 design suitable for monoprinting
Learn about materials and equipment used for mono printing with collage on paper
Learn to monoprint onto paper using water washable oil-based inks
Learn to carefully register monoprints with a layer of collage underneath
The correct materials and equipment used for monoprinting onto paper
Where to buy materials and equipment used for monoprinting onto paper
Produce unique monoprints with collage on paper
Learn how to add other media on top of monoprints with collage

Course outline
Morning activity

Quick introduction to monoprinting, with a wide range of examples of completed work.
Demonstration of how to trace/draw images and designs ready for mono printing.
How to add collage to paper, carefully registered to line up correctly with intended overlying mono print.
Participants will draw/trace designs suitable for monoprinting and using papers suitable for collage glue this to their paper ready for printing on top of.

Afternoon activity

Participants will set up ready to monoprint their designs/images over the top of their collages.
They will be shown the correct amount of ink to prepare and use for monoprinting and the equipment used for <monoprinting.
Participants will create their unique monoprints.
Discussion with tutor to decide whether to add further media on top of monoprints with collage.
Participants will then be able to discuss and assess further images they would like to use.
Participants will then repeat process to create further images.
How to clean and maintain equipment will be covered.
Short feedback session at end of session to assess and discover what has been learnt and enjoyed.

Materials and equipment to be brought by participants

Please bring along a variety of your own drawings, designs, or photos of your own to work from – no bigger than A4 – which will then be used for your monoprinting. You will be able to work on quite a few designs during the day so the more images you can bring the better choice you will have for experimentation.
A apron if you have one or wear clothes you don’t mind getting ink on.
Basic drawing materials including an HB pencil
Cutting mat if you have one
Papers suitable for collage, if you have them, e.g. tissue paper, interesting photocopies of pattern and texture, gift wrap, maps (no too shiny), and any other thin paper
Inks and watercolour pastels/paints if you have them
Something to take A4 prints home in

Materials and equipment provided
These will be provided for use during the workshop and are included in the fee. While all this equipment is provided, you may wish to bring your own as well.

Pencils and erasers
A4 paper to print onto, newsprint.
Acrylic sheets for inking up on and printing
MDF rests
Caligo relief ink for monoprinting
Tracing paper
Neocolor II pastels
Paint brushes
Glue sticks
Tissue paper for collage
Craft knives
Washing up liquid
Masking tape

Methods of assessing outcomes

Discussion of workshop with Workshop Tutor and fellow workshop students and completion of evaluation form.
Photographing the work in progress and finished prints.

More details and for Booking information, visit the RBSA Gallery site or click the “LEARN MORE” button below



RBSA Gallery

The Royal Birmingham Society of Artists (RBSA) is an artist-led charity which supports artists and promotes engagement with the visual arts through a range of exhibitions, events and workshops.

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