Saturday, December 14, 2024

Focusing on Cutting Edge Technology

The Goldsmith’s Company are organising an intensive 3-day Masterclass and Laser Symposium on March 26-28 at Goldsmiths Hall, as part of its ongoing support for the craft and industry. The Masterclass will be the first in a series of similar events, concentrating on key areas of topical interest for the jewellery and silversmithing industries, which are planned for the future.

The use of laser technology within the industry is still in its infancy, although its potential suggests it could revolutionise future jewellery production. It is already being used for general marking, hallmarking, welding and cutting.

Peter Taylor, Director of the Technology and Training Department, said: “The Goldsmiths’ Company has an important role to play in the industry, and the forthcoming Masterclass and Laser Symposium is the first example of the wide range of training activities that the company wishes to support in the future. The aim of the Masterclass programme is to give members of the trade access to experts in a variety of fields, to increase the dialogue between different parties within the industry and to highlight the Company’s approachability.”

The Goldsmiths’ Company’s forthcoming Masterclass has been designed for those in the industry who are already competent laser users. It proposes to take them to a higher level of aptitude and open up the potential of the application yet further. With a maximum of 10 attendees, each individual will have ample access to the laser welding equipment and the instruction will be both intensive and highly focused.

Presiding over the Masterclass are experts in the field of laser welding and its usage, namely the prize-winning German jewellery maker, Tom Rucker, also known as ‘Mr Laser’, Ann-Marie Carey, a Research Fellow at the Jewellery Industry Innovation Centre in Birmingham and Dr Sarah Silve, a Research Fellow at Brunel University.

The laser Masterclass is complemented by an evening symposium, on Wednesday, March 26 from 6.00pm to 8.00pm. The symposium will be more general and appeal to a broader audience including designer makers and workshops, as well as manufacturers. Ann-Marie Carey will give a short presentation on laser marking as will Dr Sarah Silve on the subject of laser forming. The presentations will be followed by a practical demonstration of laser welding by Tom Rucker and Ann-Marie Carey. The evening will also provide the opportunity for delegates to examine examples of the processes demonstrated, ask questions and generally network.

The Goldsmiths’ Company’s department of Technology and Training also offers a free basic laser training programme on the laser machine at Goldsmiths’ Hall, which is available to members of the trade on application.

The cost of attending the three-day Masterclass is £150 per person. The cost of the evening laser symposium is £10 per person.

Individuals interested in attending either the Masterclass or the Laser symposium, or would like to apply for the basic laser training programme at Goldsmiths’ Hall, should contact, Heather Ferguson on 020 7606 7010 or e-mail: heather. .

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