Thursday, January 16, 2025

News from the JQ Marketing Fund

The Christmas Campaign is now well under way. Many events are in place due to the skills of the Directors and Marketing Manager (Anna Gibson) of the Jewellery Quarter Advertising Fund, combined and in unison with the Jewellery Quarter Regeneration Operations Director (Andy Munro).

TV Campaign: The TV Central West Campaign, headed by Chris Green should, we believe, have the desired impact – a great deal of thought has been put into the Fame and Quality Profile Image projected to the viewers – ‘Birmingham’s Gem!’

Many of you attended the TV Preview on 27th November when we had the very welcome presence of the Lord and Lady Mayoress. Thank you Steve Whittaker of Fellows & Sons (Auctioneers) for hosting this event. We are now looking forward to the 33 showings between 5th November and 21st December. Large plasma screens have been installed in the Bull Ring Shopping Centre and the TV Advert will run constantly over the Festive Season.

Christmas Lights: Over 50 street lighting columns have been decorated this year with motifs and images depicting the Jewellery Quarter – the only exhibit of its kind in Europe.

Select Magazine: A high profile publicity drive has been negotiated with this ‘in’ magazine.

Christmas Shopping Day 15th December: It has been arranged for a free shuttle bus service to run between the City Centre German Market and the Jewellery Quarter.

Website: My sincere thanks to everyone who have made an effort this year. The result of these efforts have produced funding from the ‘Marketing Birmingham’ Organisation using European Registered Development Funding. The figure to date is £37,000 which we intend to use for a forthcoming Jewellery Quarter Website to a very high standard and the new edition of the Jewellers Guide in part.

We can only succeed and go from strength to strength in the future if we all financially support this together. To become a Member of The Jewellery Quarter Marketing Fund Ltd is vital to support our objectives.

Remember, this is to the mutual benefit of us all who have an interest in this famous Jewellery Quarter. Together with The Jewellery Quarter Association and ourselves, we can make this happen!

A Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year from the Directors and Manager of the Jewellery Quarter Advertising Fund Ltd.

Jeff Green – (Chairman) – 0121 233 2547 Jewellery Quarter Advertising Fund Ltd.

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