A Message from St Paul’s Church
The Revd Canon Andrew Gorham, Interim Priest in Charge, writes
The Revd Canon Andrew Gorham, Interim Priest in Charge, writes
‘I suspect many of you like me are in social isolation and are wondering when this nightmare is coming to an end.
I know that we are concerned for those who have contracted COVID 19 virus and have ceaseless admiration for those who are caring for the sick and those who are seeking to develop ways of combating the virus.
I know how hard the JQ has been hit. Those of you who work in business, heritage, arts, hospitality, and catering are facing an uncertain future and from all of us at St Paul’s our hearts go to you at this time. Even when we do emerge from this there will be uncertain times. The road ahead is going to be challenging.
While I have been stuck here where I live in Coventry, I have thought much about St Paul’s, this magnificent building at the heart of the JQ. It has survived so much over the last 240 years: in Victorian times, severe outbreaks of disease, the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, heavy enemy bombing in the last war. And yet it has survived and still stands as a reminder that even though we go through dark and difficult days we do come through.
I am sure this will be true for the JQ. Having had the privilege of working in Birmingham for over 25 years I know how tough Birmingham people are, how enterprising they are and how very generous they are. We will come through, perhaps a bit bruised and bashed up, but, like St Paul’s, still standing, still confident about the future whatever it throws up.
So, from all of us at St Paul’s, we pray God’s Blessing upon you and those who are in your hearts. We really look forward to opening those great West Doors of St Paul’s to the world again. May this wonderful building represent for you a source of hope and peace.’
W: www.stpaulsjq.church
W: www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/stpaulschurchbirmingham