Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Revd. David Tomlinson

St Paul’s Church Closed for Now – But Work Carries on with Maintenance and Zoom Services

It is with great regret that St Paul’s church is closed for the time being due to present Coronavirus government lock-down restrictions.

The church had previously been open Mondays and Thursdays for three hours, adhering to the Church of England guidance but very few people were coming into the building, and, in solidarity with most of the churches in the diocese and the cathedral, we decided to close entirely to reinforce the basic message that people should ‘stay at home’

If anyone wishes to come to the church to pray, I would be pleased to open up for them. They only have to email me at this address:

Despite the lock-down, necessary maintenance work continues – the trees nearest the church on the north side have been coppiced and there is some remedial work being carried out to the electrics in March.
We are also replacing two of the notice boards on the church and intend to replace the notice board at the top of the grounds.

Zoom Services:
In the meantime, we are holding our Sunday Service at 10.30 am on zoom. Anyone can book their place by emailing
Everyone is also warmly invited to our weekly Bible Study on zoom at 2 pm on Sunday: anyone interested simply needs to contact

I know that this is far from ideal but be assured that we made the decision to close, having sought advice and weighed the possible consequences of remaining open, and of closing.

With the number of cases, hospitalisations, and deaths rising, we decided, with a heavy heart, to close for the time being. We are looking to open at the earliest possible opportunity, and, as soon as there is notification of a definite timescale for an easing of lock-down – and the signs are looking good at present – I’ll meet with the wardens straightaway to deliberate on when we might re-open’.

The Rev’d David Tomlinson
Vicar of St Paul’s in the JQ

Further Information:

  • Weddings – All couples who were to marry during the first six months of 2021 have postponed their weddings.
  • Baptisms – A baptism enquiry would certainly be considered.
  • Funerals – The church would open for a funeral.


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