Saturday, February 15, 2025

The Jam House – Welcome Back!

‘We want to make sure that everyone feels safe when visiting, working, or performing at the Jam House, so we’ve put the following protocols in place:

  • Upon entry we will be taking everyone’s temperature and ask you to sanitise your hands at one of our sanitising stations. These are located at the entrance, outside the toilets, on the dance floor, staff room and exit.
  • Contact details will be taken from each member of each party for NHS track & trace and kept on file for 21 days which reflects the incubation period, or you can use the NHS Track & Trace app.
  • The whole venue will be all-seated, and we have reduced our capacity to 25% to keep seated space to a minimum of 1m.
  • We have introduced a one-way flow system around parts of the venue to minimise the potential of face-to-face interactions.
  • The Jam House has an AHU system which means we are able to both extract air from the room and pump in air from outside at a significant rate. This will work in conjunction with our existing A/C so that the air in the venue is not being re-circulated, but constantly replaced.
  • We have upgraded our cleaning protocols with Regular sanitising of all key contact points and sanitising, all furniture and PDQ machines after each use.
  • We have introduced a regimented hand washing and sanitising system for the staff.
  • Toilet capacity will be limited to two persons at any one time.
  • We have protective screens for the musicians to stand behind when performing to reduce the aerosol risk and provide a minimum of 3m between the performers and any audience member.
  • We will be using disposable cutlery holders and napkins for all customers who choose to dine with us.
  • All food menus will be single use and disposed of and our Foamex drinks menus will be single use and placed in a container, sanitised, and left for at least 24 hours to de-contaminate.
  • All customers are required to wear a face mask in the venue when they are not eating or drinking at their table.

We have a full risk assessment and our “Be Social Be Safe” polices & procedures are available upon request. If anyone has any concerns regarding this information, then please get in contact and we will be happy to discuss with you.
Everyone at the Jam House looks forward to welcoming you back to the venue!

More Information: The best way is to email us: E: .

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