Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Dear Hockley Flyer Readers

I am delighted to have this opportunity to talk about life at St Paul’s on a monthly basis. The first thing to say as that the church is open for worship on Sundays at 10.30 am. You are very welcome.

If you come, you will be enriched by hearing both English and Farsi because many in the congregation are Persian asylum seekers and refugees.

To facilitate this important ministry of hospitality and compassion, we employ a Persian Community Support Worker funded for one year by a grant from the Awards for All National Lottery Scheme.

We also have a conditional grant of £4,000 from the Allchurches Trust that we will receive if we can raise £2,000 ourselves.

That has prompted me to seek sponsorship for a bike ride I am doing this September.

The London Ultra is 156 miles around London on one day, 25th September. If you would like to sponsor me, simply go to our website, and look for the heading “Sponsor the Vicar”!

Next month, I will talk about the plans to restore and develop St Paul’s ready for its 250th year in 2029.
With love and prayers,

The Revd. David Tomlinson, Vicar.

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