In the past two years Domino has been focused on evolving and developing their jewellery offering, changing from a supplier of jewellery components to a leading producer of original and ground-breaking jewellery.
Their ‘Originals’ brochure is the outward manifestation of their on-going metamorphosis and they are sure that everyone will enjoy perusing its content and discovering just what Domino is now able to offer its customers.
Domino is particularly proud of this publication which they believe – not only breaks new ground in brochure design – but, more importantly, offers retailers an unparalleled choice across nine different design groups – diamonds, heritage, trilogy, anniversary, clusters, shapes, lifestyle, signets and earrings – in a complete range of precious metals.
All the product featured has been designed, developed and manufactured by Domino in Birmingham. ‘Originals’ products can also benefit from a full stone-setting service, using either their own stones or those supplied by customers, providing a much-valued facility allowing retailers to produce high-value items extremely quickly.
‘Originals’ is the first of four new product ranges to be launched by Domino this year, the 2010 Sienna and Rosabella collections and ‘Flow’ – an exciting new departure for Domino – will be on their Stand at IJL this September.
Domino is deeply committed to innovation and believe that their ability to bring their customers individually-designed and strongly-commercial new lines such as these is key to their ongoing success.