Monday, February 17, 2025

Editorial January 2020

A Very Happy New Year to all our readers (and advertisers) – hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.

2019 was certainly a very strange year – with no-one knowing what Brexit will mean to the survival of the UK (not even the leaders), referendums, elections with surprise results and Birmingham Council getting rid of most of its staff and workers, replacing them with consultants and volunteers.

Let’s hope that when we reach 2021, we will all know just where we all stand.

Some awful things happening around the world with New Zealand shaking itself to bits, Australia burning to a crisp and other countries drowning in deluges of rain, millions of immigrants walking and sailing in small boats to a promise of a ‘better life’, spam and fraudsters at every turn, drugs readily available (even in prison), convicted murderers and terrorists being let out to kill again, nearly every country in the world fighting with another country, masses of false goods being imported – and millions of PLASTIC toys being produced, and to start 2020 the threat of WW3!. What a mess!

We don’t understand just what the ‘Clean Air Zone’ will mean to us in the Jewellery Quarter – if the Council ever get it set up! Also, the removal of the Perry Barr Flyover despite thousands of objections and the ever-increasing fiasco of the Games.
Never mind we must stay positive.

We have included an item about the Banksy graffiti he painted on the Vyse Street Rail bridge on Vyse Street – it certainly caused a sensation – just hope it doesn’t encourage more graffiti ‘artists’ to spray the wall – may be a good idea to ‘List’ the wall and tunnels, eh?

December was a case of “Hello” to Banksy and “Goodbye” to the TSB Bank, as yet another bank bites the dust!

Corner Tenby Street North & Tenby Street – This development has been taken over by a Chinese developer who will shortly be starting the work.

The cemetery railings are looking very smart. The way they have matched the ‘towers’ with the one surviving tower is to be admired but not very happy about putting the ‘Boulder Stone’ behind bars!

Welcome back to Russell Poulton who left the Council a couple of years ago – he worked in the Conservation Department mainly concerned with the Jewellery Quarter. He has now taken a post with The Canal and River Trust in Aqua House, Lionel Street, as Enterprise Manager, and no doubt we will be meeting up with him again very soon.
As I always say, “Once you work or live in the Jewellery Quarter it is as if there is a piece of elastic attached between you and the Clock which keeps pulling you back – there is no escape!”

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