Monday, January 20, 2025

Jewellery Quarter Marketing Initiative News

Following the sterling efforts of businesses to support last year’s Christmas TV Campaign, we were able to use that funding as European ‘Match’ to raise further funds to do a website.

The website is being developed by 383 Project, who are based in the Quarter (at Cornwall Court) and have experience in undertaking similar, commercial websites such as the one for the Broad Street area.

One of the benefits of the proposals is that it will be linked to the new revamped ‘Visit Birmingham’ website which is expected to attract over 2 million hits per year from people that are visiting Birmingham.

We will, of course, have our own identity and we have already bought up 16 domain names – the main web address being We are also aiming to link this site into a whole variety of other sites including which is the leading American tourism website and other important local sites such as the Birmingham Post etc.

Current proposals include a home page with video footage (which has already been recorded), sections on Shopping in the Quarter, Things to Do in the Quarter, Eating and Drinking in the Quarter, History and Heritage and a Trade Section. Overall there are over 130 different pieces of text with the Shopping Section including Hints and Tips.

All members of the Marketing Initiative will have their own mini website with the ability to update it themselves and of course this can be linked to any existing website that they have already.

We are very excited about this development which we think will be one of the best websites in Birmingham and as part of our links with the Jewellery Quarter Regeneration Partnership they have agreed to allocate one member of their staff, one day a week, to ensure that the website is kept up to date. We have other developments under way which relate to the website including ‘blogs’ and competitions.

There will also be the ability to buy some extra dvertising such as banner headlines at a modest extra cost.

The website will be widely publicised and we are also hoping to link this to this year’s TV Campaign which we hope will be supported again by businesses in the Quarter and represents a great opportunity to raise the profile of the Quarter. Chris Green, Mike Henrick, Stephen Whittaker, and others will be out and about canvassing support.

In parallel to these exciting developments, we are also intending to replace the Gold Tourism Guide which is now going out of print. It has been highly successful to the extent that it has been stocked by some of the top hotels and displayed in bedrooms which is something about which hotels are usually very selective!

Anna Gibson, our Marketing Manager will be looking to secure support from local businesses in terms of advertising with JQMI members receiving a substantial discount.

It is proposed to print over 50,000 of these guides and distribute them not only in a comprehensive fashion locally but around the UK in Information Centres and Attractions.

These are exciting times and I hope that you will support these initiatives which are all aimed at trying to secure more custom for shops and businesses in the Quarter.

Jeff Green – Chairman Jewellery Quarter Marketing Initiative

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