Darren and Jenni, a husband and wife team, have recently opened ‘Pure Essence Greetings’, which is located at 59a Caroline Street, in the heart of the Jewellery Quarter in Birmingham, renowned for its high quality jewellery shops.
They specialise in high quality personalised and inspirational gifts for every occasion and have spent their lives using their creativity to invest in the community.
They have now put together a dynamic team who specialise in creating memorable and inspired gifts and products for all occasions. You will find a range of personalised keepsake canvasses, traditional and handmade cards, gifts, inspirational gifts, costume jewellery, handcrafted vases and sculptures plus lots more.
Located in their shop is L’egance by De’son who specialise in personalised wedding stationery and cakes, including novelty cakes.
Our Community Interests: Darren and Jenni are also Directors of Mentoring for Educational Achievement (MEA) and specialise supporting young people aged 11–16yrs who are experiencing difficulties within their education, at home, or within their local community.
Many of the young people they work with struggle to cope within school for a variety of reasons. Without projects like MEA, these young people may find themselves surrounded by influences which ultimately affect their ability to reach their full potential.
MEA work towards addressing these issues through intensive one-to-one and group mentoring support, life and social skills development, access to education, training and development, family support and advocacy and state: “We strongly believe that with the right support, young people are given the opportunity to turn their lives around. Through Pure Essence Greetings, we want to continue supporting this project and will donate 5% of all profits to MEA!”